Quant voi l’aloete moder (Song)
- Manuscript Collocation:
- Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France [F-Pn] fr. 844, fol. 190 vb
- Identifier:
- C1799-2
- Title:
- Qvan vei l’aloete moder
- Work Type:
- Song
- Authors:
- Peire Vidal
- Generic Descriptor:
- Chanson
- L Index:
- 266-8
- RS Index:
- 1799
- Musical Structure:
- Number of Parts:
- 1
- Number of Stanzas:
- 2
- Poetic Type:
- Chanson d'Amour
- Polarity:
- ré
- Primary Language:
- Langue d’oïl
- Style of Discourse:
- Vers
- Other Data:
- St. I-II
- St. II lacunaire
- “Traduction” de PC 70, 43 (Bernart de Ventadorn)

This Song
Quant voi l’aloete moder