Amours, a cui je me rent pris (Song)
- Manuscript Collocation:
- Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana [I-Rvat] Reg. lat. 1490, fol. 31 (32) vb
- Identifier:
- C1602-3
- Title:
- Amours a cui ie me rench pris
- Work Type:
- Song
- Authors:
- Anonyme
- Generic Descriptor:
- Chanson à refrain
- L Index:
- 265-67
- MW Index:
- 217, 25
- RS Index:
- 1602
- Musical Structure:
- AABC / DD’
- Number of Parts:
- 1
- Number of Stanzas:
- 5
- Edition:
- Eglal Doss-Quinby, Samuel N. Rosenberg, Elizabeth Aubrey, The Old French Ballette (Genève, Droz, 2006), p. 202-205
- Poetic Type:
- Chanson d'Amour
- Polarity:
- fa
- Primary Language:
- Langue d’oïl
- T Index Songs:
- 924, 1
- Style of Discourse:
- Vers
- Other Data:
- St. I
- Modèle pour RS 1604a

This Song
Amours, a cui je me rent pris